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BoCA :: Gerard & Kelly

A drink with the artists / Talk :: GERARD & KELLY

14.04.2019, Sunday | 7:15pm

Brennan Gerard and Ryan Kelly, inspired by minimalist dance, institutional critique and queer theory, are developing a work that stands on the border of dance and contemporary art, which incorporates writing, video or sculpture.
Let's have a drink with artists Gerard & Kelly (BoCA Resident Artists during 2019-2020), at Carpintarias de São Lázaro, the meeting point of BoCA 2019. We will discuss their creative practice, and the reasons behind the creation of the show "State Of" presented at MAAT on 12 and 13 APR, at 5pm.

Moderators: Cláudia Galhós and John Romão

Carpintarias de São Lázaro
Rua de São Lázaro nº72 
Lisboa, Portugal 


Horário Carpintarias


quinta-domingo: 12h-18h00


Horário Miradouro de Baixo

a anunciar brevemente a nova época


Geral (Horário de atendimento / consultation hours:

Segunda-Sexta, 11h-16h / Monday-Friday, 11am-4pm)
Telefone: 213815891


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