RIVER SOMES | 6th Architecture Triennale
Exhibition on the River Somes regeneration project in Cluj-Napoca
17 November - 30 December
Opening: 5pm-9pm
The River Somes project is a contemporary example of river regeneration and re-naturalization efforts that aims to interconnect the diverse communities that inhabit the city of Cluj-Napoca in Romania, as well as to re-associate them to local fauna and flora species that were far removed from their natural habitat on the riverbanks. It includes an extensive intervention in the form of public spaces, squares, parks, bridges and green spaces along 15 km of the River Somes as it flows through the city. It is currently at the beginning of construction process, with completion scheduled for 2023.
Lead team: PRACTICE (Jaime Daroca, José Mayoral & José Ramón Sierra)
Local architecture: Planwerk
Engineering: AquaProciv
Bridge engineering: Costin Si Vlad Birou De Proiectar
Electrical engineering: EuroBB Energy
Landscape architecture: Landlab
Urban Planning: Urban Design & Wolfhouse Productions
Construction Zone: 1 ACI Cluj
Construction Zone 2: Nordconforest
Project management: Baseli Drum Consult
Contracting authority: Cluj-Napoca City Council
Lead team: PRACTICE (Jaime Daroca, José Mayoral & José Ramón Sierra)
Physical model: Minimum Metric
Video production: Pedro Arnanz
Video Mapping: Konrad Mihat
Organizer: Lisbon Architecture Triennale
+ info
Instagram: @studiopractica
web: www.studiopractica.com
Email: info@studiopractica.com