ENDLESS SUN : Capital Blindness by Hugo de Almeida Pinho
curatorial project by PAULO MENDES
Contemporary dystopia is certified at every moment.
Endless Sun is an artistic research project by Hugo de Almeida Pinho on the idea of solar policies and their critical implications, accounting for on various aspects, like energy, biopolitics and technology.
The exhibition Endless Sun: Capital Blindness, presented at Carpintarias de São Lázaro, is part of a broader exhibition project consisting of another exhibition presented at the same time, Endless Sun: The Cinematic Sunrise, at gnration in Braga, as well as a public program with a performance component, a symposium and a screening.
As Hugo de Almeida Pinho says: “The sun is a medial element in the collective imagination, as a cultural configuration, authority and spiritual impulse, carrying an important ideological and biopolitical power. Its energy keeps the planet functional, regulating the metabolic rhythms of plants and animals, but in its dialectical relationship with planet Earth, it is a vital element of a contemporary global capital that translates into technological and economic power. Constituting one of the most urgent issues in the current context of international geopolitics, energy can be used as a mechanism to promote certain forms of authoritarianism, neo-colonialism, autocratic systems, or climate crises.”
As a community, we are witnessing, lulled by trendy slogans and temporary marketing strategies, the environmental collapse and the heightening of global geopolitical tensions, in a convergence of factors favoring a risky scenario for humanity, where the energy crisis and control over energy production is decisive.
The catastrophe of time is certified at every moment.
Paulo Mendes
biografia abreviada:
Hugo de Almeida Pinho.
Artista e investigador. Tem um mestrado em Media Art e Media Philosophy pela Hochschule für Gestaltung HfG Karlsruhe, enquanto bolseiro Gulbenkian. É licenciado em Artes Plásticas/ Pintura pela FBAUP Porto e pela Marmara Üniversitesi Istambul.
O seu trabalho tem sido apresentado regularmente desde 2009, em espaços institucionais e independentes, destacando-se entre as suas exposições mais recentes: Endless Sun: Capital Blindness (CSL, Lisboa 2024); Endless Sun: The Cinematic Sunrise (Gnration, Braga 2024); Die Lange Nacht (Shedhalle, Zurique 2024); "Time is the (...) Unit" (FARRA, Elvas 2024); Hierophanies (Brotéria, Lisboa 2024); Solar Capital (ACUD Galerie, Berlim 2023); Solar Influx (Arsenal, Berlim 2023); Matter Non-Matter Anti-Matter (ZKM, Karlsruhe 2022); Back of My Hand (CSL, Lisboa, 2022); Gravitas (Fundação Leal Rios, Lisboa, 2022); Theater of Sun (Cripta747, Turim, 2020); The Seeing Eye (Petite Galerie - Cité des Arts, Paris, 2020); Terra Rara (DIDAC, Santiago de Compostela, 2019); Paradox of Plenty (Künstlerhaus Bethanien, Berlim, 2019); Pedra Pedra (Appleton [Box], Lisboa, 2018), entre outros.
É editor dos livros Sun Burn (Mousse Publishing, 2024), Under the Ground (Archive Books, 2024) e Paradox of Plenty (Atlas Projectos, 2021).
Realizou residências artísticas na Cripta 747 (Turim, 2020), na Cité Internationale des Arts /Institut Français (Paris, 2019-20), na Künstlerhaus Bethanien /FC Gulbenkian (Berlin, 2018-19), entre outras. Foi ainda co-curador dos screenings Under the Ground (Galeria Quadrum, Lisboa 2020) e Out Off Nature (Arsenal, Berlim 2019).