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Public debates that happen every month, coordenated by Giovanbattista Tusa & Bartholomew Ryan. A collaboration between the X-Centric Futures research seminar of the CultureLab of the Nova Institute Of Philosophy and the Cultural Centre Carpintarias de São Lázaro.

This collaborative effort aims to produce a change in the collective understanding of these present times, in which too often the future is felt as an inescapable and threatening age of social disruption and ecological catastrophes.
​The X-Centric Futures’ debates seek to develop rigorous critical practices that move beyond academic interdisciplinarity and to create an open platform for a dialogue between different perspectives in the redefinition of thinking in a planetary age.
A common ground for the diverse activities that will take place throughout this program is that there is no humanity to come, but rather a multitude of different humanities with different futures and different pasts, whose exploration implies the development of new theoretical and practical frameworks and categories.
X-Centric Futures opens the We'd like to add programming category of Carpintarias de São Lázaro.
This line of programming promotes conferences, debates or seminars on topics such as innovation and sustainability, 21st century ethics, historical contexts and their reconciliation, digital society, new economic models, and all issues that relate to other ways of life and society.


Giovanbattista Tusa is a philosopher and video artist based at the Nova Institute of Philosophy of the Universidade Nova of Lisbon in Portugal, where he coordinates the research program X-CENTRIC FUTURES.
He is the author, with Alain Badiou, of "The End" (Polity Press, 2019). He recently co-edited "Fernando Pessoa and Philosophy. Countless Lives Inhabit Us" (Rowman & Littlefield, 2021), "PPPP. Pier Paolo Pasolini Philosopher" (Mimesis International, 2022), and "Dispositif. A Cartography" (MIT Press, 2022). He is currently editing, with Michael Marder, Contemporanea. "A Glossary for the 21st Century" (MIT Press, 2023) (MIT Press, 2023) and completing his manuscript "Minima Planetaria".
He is the director of the "Planetary Conversations", in collaboration with "The Philosophical Salon".

Bartholomew Ryan is a philosopher and musician, and coordinator of CultureLab at IFILNOVA, Universidade Nova de Lisboa. His academic and creative works orbit around the central motif of ‘transformation’, which takes into account the masks, ecologies and (multiple) identities that define the modern human condition.
He has published various books and essays on philosophy and literature, and the most recent book being "Fernando Pessoa and Philosophy: Countless Lives Inhabit Us" (co-editor, 2021). He has taught at universities in Brazil, Berlin, Oxford, Aarhus, Dublin, Lisbon and Bishkek.
He is also member of the international band "The Loafing Heroes" and experimental audio formation "Headfoot", and solo project "Loafing Hero".

Carpintarias de São Lázaro
Rua de São Lázaro nº72 
Lisbon, Portugal 


Carpintarias de São Lázaro Hours

Programme to be announced soon


Miradouro de Baixo Hours

Friday: 6pm - 1am


Phone: 213815891


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