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Festa de Antecipação Indielisboa 2019

Concert: Chullage + Norberto Lobo
DJ Set: Rui Miguel Lobo

24.04.2019 | 10pm-3am

IndieLisboa is about to begin and it is time to celebrate the eleven days of the festival that are approaching. After having hosted the promising Conan Osiris in 2018, the IndieLisboa's anticipation party in 2019, invites Casório for a concert with two established names in the Portuguese music scene: Norberto Lobo and prétu AKA Chullage.

On April 24th, at Carpintarias de São Lázaro, IndieLisboa joins Casório Jameson Caskmates & Musa. In this event, the talents of one of the most interesting guitarists of our days and one of the most respected voices of the Portuguese hip hop scene will come together. A night when music connects and gives birth to an unrepeatable experience through the combination of rap and folk families.
Considered as one of the most unique figures of today's national music, there are no boundaries to the potential of Norberto Lobo's music. An independent, empirical and restless artist, he has released seven of the most acclaimed solo albums in Portuguese music over the past few years. Estrela, released in the spring of 2018, gives us, once again, a taste of the aesthetic restlessness and musical language he has been developing. In one of his most recent collaborative projects, he joined Marco Franco and Bruno Pernadas in order to create Montanhas Azuis, acclaimed by both critics and audiences once again.

Known for his social and political consciousness, prétu AKA Chullage is one of the strongest names in the national hip hop scene. Author of anthems like "Rhymeshit Que Abala" and "National Ghettographik," his last album Rapressão dates back to 2012. His charisma, direct and cutting words along with his songs of protest and urgency, have made him one of the greatest, most important Portuguese rappers nowadays.
This marriage's best man will be Rui Miguel Abreu, who will take over the dance floor after the concerts. Writer, collector and music critic, he is one of the greatest connoisseurs and supporters of rap and hip hop in Portugal. He was behind shows such as "Nação Hip-Hop" and "Ginga Beat" and is currently running the Antena 3 show "Rimas e Batidas" as well as the website under the same name.

The tickets for the party that precedes the Lisbon's International Film Festival can be purchased on Ticketline and on the day of the event on site for six euros. Doors open at 10pm and performances will start at 10:30pm.

Carpintarias de São Lázaro
Rua de São Lázaro nº72 
Lisbon, Portugal 

Carpintarias de São Lázaro Hours

Programme to be announced soon

Miradouro de Baixo Hours

Friday: 6pm - 1am


Phone: 213815891


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